Allowing Fuuse through a Network Firewall

This article outlines how you can update your network to allow Fuuse through your firewall


Most charge points connect to Fuuse via SIM card, enabling autonomy for the charge points, and guaranteeing that they can act independently of a corporate or private network. However, in situations where this is not feasible, Fuuse fully supports being routed through such a network.

This document contains the necessary details needed to allow communication of charge points to the Fuuse platform.

Fuuse network addresses

Most charge points on Fuuse connect via a centralised address. To add this to your network policy, please allow communication from the following addresses as an exception to your network policies.

Environment  Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)  IP Address Ports
Live (Production) WS: 9998
WSS: 9999
Demo (testing)  WS: 15003
WSS: 15002 


Depending on the environment desired, the above information should allow you to freely communicate with the Fuuse platform on your private network.