Chargers - How to release a locked cable from an EV charger

Sometimes a charging cable can become locked, and the charger socket won’t release the cable. If a driver cannot unplug a charging cable from one of your chargers, you can follow these instructions to help resolve the issue.

Remote maintenance options to remove a locked cable

If you are contacted by a driver who cannot unplug their charging cable from one of your chargers, you can follow these instructions to help resolve the issue.


Dropdown ListUnlocking the connector

First, try unlocking the connector in the Fuuse Platform:

  1. Go to 'Chargers' Under the 'Network' section.
  2. Click 'See Details' of that charger.
  3. Select the 'Actions' dropdown at the top right in the details.
  4. Choose 'Unlock Connector'.
  5. You can select the problem connector and click 'Continue'.


Hard reset the charger
If unlocking the connector doesn’t work, you can action a Hard Reset. This is done by following the first three steps to unlock a charger and then choosing the Hard Reset option.

A hard reset will immediately stop any ongoing charge sessions currently in progress for that charger. So, it is important to be aware that charging sessions on all connectors for that charger will be terminated.


If all these instructions do not resolve the issue of a locked cable, please contact the Fuuse Customer Success team for further assistance.


Having trouble with an Easee charger? Instructions on releasing a cable from an Easee charger.