Editing Fuuse Promotions

This guide details the process of editing a Promotion that has been created within your account.

Step 1

Log into the Fuuse back office and go to the revenue tab and click the Promotions button



Step 2:

On the promotions landing page, search for the promotion you wish to edit and press the See Details button to access the promotion.


Step 3:

On the selected promotions page, select the Edit dropdown button then select the Edit Promotion button.


You will be presented with a series of pages that will allow you to adjust the following details:

    • Promotion Name (Mandatory field)

    • Description (Mandatory field)

    • Start & End Date

    • Promotion Type - app (or promo code if applicable)

    • Promotion Amount - the value of the promotion

    • Amount Type - choice of either a percentage amount or a fixed amount

    • Promotion Restrictions - assigned minimum or maximum value to further constrain a promotion

    • Redemption Limit - option to limit the use of a promotion to a fixed number of uses or amount across the defined promotion period