How to Onboard ICS Chargers

This is a guide that shows how to install Fuuse on your charge point. If you want to connect your charge point to your Fuuse account, please follow the steps in the end of the guide.


Please note that when you connect your charge point to Fuuse, we become the operator of the charge point. This means that you need to use Fuuse to control the charging process.


Prior to pointing your charger to Fuuse, make sure the charger is manually created within the Fuuse platform, guides on how to do this can be found below or alterntavely speak with the customer success team if you are unsure;

1. Connect your device to the charge point's WiFi

Begin by connecting your device (Phone, Tablet or Laptop) to the WiFi signal that your charge point is emitting.

WiFi name: ICS-2.4GHz-*******

WiFi password: ics654321

This information can be found on the sticker on the side of the unit.

2. Open a web browser to

On the same device, open a web browser, type, and hit "Enter".

Username: install

Password: icspass21

3. Configure the charge point OCPP

Once you login, click on the "Basic" tab and put in these values:


Preset Server:  User defined (For 4G Sims use ICS2.0(Tele2 4G, Secure)  )



OCPP Server Domain:

OCPP Server Port: 9999

OCPP Server URL: /

OCPP Identity: make sure to use the Serial Number of the charge point

Security Profile: wss + HttpBasic


4. Configure the Network settings of the charge point

Navigate to the "Network" tab in the user configuration page.


Wi-Fi Setup

Internet Access should be set as "Enabled" to allow you to connect the charge point to Wi-Fi.



Press the "Scan" button and then select the Wi-Fi from the drop down list.


Wi-Fi Password

Type in the password for the Wi-Fi network.


Save the settings and reboot the charge point.

5. Check if your charger is communicating with Fuuse

You can check if the charger is communicating with Fuuse by clicking on the following link