How to Onboard Easee Chargers

This article walks you through the steps of onboarding easee chargers.

1. Create the site in Fuuse, before installation.


2. Send your units serial numbers to along with details of which site each one is to be assigned to so we can add these to your charging site in Fuuse

  • These can be found on the Easee box and will be something similar to EC169128
  • For orders of 40 units (pallet), Easee can provide these numbers at the point of order
  • For orders of less than 40 units, they can be identified at delivery on the unit themselves or on the box.

3. Where applicable, inform Fuuse of the installation dates and times so we can support you where needed.


4. After install, commission the charger onto Easee cloud as usual:

  • Login to the Easee cloud:
  • Go to ‘sites’ in the top navigation
  • Create ‘new charging site’ (be sure to make note of the site ID at this stage)
  • Turn on the Easee charger

5. Onboard the charger, by following the small instruction tag inside the box:

  • Connect to the Easee charger Wifi hotspot e.g. Easee_Charger_23456
  • Visit on your device (can be mobile or laptop, wherever you have a browser)
  • Begin the onboarding process in the browser using the site id given earlier.

6. Once commissioned you can point the charger at the Fuuse back-office platform:

  • In the Easee Cloud go to Sites > Tools > Operator and select ‘Fuuse’ from the dropdown (be careful not to select ‘Fuuse Test’ here as this is for internal use)
  • Next, select ‘Pair’ to confirm this
  • Reboot the charger
  • Assuming the chargers were successfully added to Fuuse in step 2, once booted the charger should connect to Fuuse and the charger status should change to “Available” in the Fuuse platform and should now be ready to use.