Charging Sites - How do I view the charging sites on my network?

Fuuse makes it easy to navigate through your portfolio of EV chargers and charging sites. Once you have logged in to the web portal at, use the navigation sidebar to go to the "Charging Sites" page, as shown below.

Fuuse makes it easy to navigate through your portfolio of EV chargers and charging sites. Once you have logged in to the web portal at, use the navigation sidebar to go to the "Charging Sites" page, as shown below.


On this page, you will see a list of all the charging sites on your network. As well as showing static information such as a site's name and address, the status field allows you to easily spot any warnings or faults associated with the charging hardware on a site.

To find for a specific site, use the search bar at the top of the list to search by site name or address. Filter drop downs below the search bar also allow you to filter sites by a number of criteria, such as the site status and type of payment tariff associated with it.

To view more details about a given site, click the corresponding "See Details" button on the right of the list, which will show you to further site information, such as that in the example below.

General site information is shown at the top of the page, such as the site name and description. Below this, are a series of tabs to obtain more information about the site and the EVSEs located on it.

  • The "EVSE" tab shows a list of the EVSEs (chargers) present on the site, which includes the EVSE name, rated power output, and its current status.
  • The "Site availability" tab shows the times at which the site is open for drivers to charge their vehicles.
  • For sites with restricted access, the "Drivers" tab shows a list of the drivers who are allowed to charge their vehicles at this site.
  • The "Location" tab shows the full site address and its location on a map.
  • The "Photos" tab shows a list of photos of the site, which will be presented to a driver to help them find the site.

To edit any of the site information, click the "Edit Charging Site" button on the top-right of the page. More information about setting up a site can be found in our guide, "How do I create a new charging site in the web portal?".

To view more information about a specific EVSE, go to the "EVSE" tab and click the corresponding "See Details" button on the right of the EVSE list to open its details page, as shown below.

General EVSE information is shown at the top of the page, followed by more details in several tabs.

  • The "Connectors" tab shows the connectors present on the EVSE, their type, and whether or not the connector is a socket or has an integrated charging cable.
  • The "Photos" tab shows a list of photos of the EVSE, which will be presented to a driver to help them find the correct EVSE to charge their vehicle
  • The "Location" tab shows detailed information about the EVSE location within a site and is used by drivers to navigate from the site entrance to the EVSE itself.

To edit any of the EVSE information, click the "Edit EVSE" button on the top-right of the page. More information about setting up and commissioning an EVSE can be found in our guide, "How do I set up and commission a charger at a site?".